It’s a bout time: cough bouts as a measure of severity


Explores the complexities of defining and measuring cough bouts using continuous monitoring technology. It highlights the inadequacies of traditional definitions and emphasizes the need for patient-centered metrics to better capture the severity and impact of chronic coughing on individuals' quality of life.

This Paper explores the limitations of traditional cough counting in assessing the severity of chronic cough and introduces cough bouts as a more accurate measure of patient experience. Through case studies and analysis of chronic cough patterns, the paper demonstrates that arbitrary definitions of cough bouts - such as using a 2-second pause between coughs -fail to reflect the true impact on quality of life.

The paper advocates for a shift toward patient-centered metrics, using continuous cough monitoring technology and real-time feedback to better define and understand bouts. It suggests that future research and clinical trials should focus on cough episodes that most affect patients to improve treatment outcomes.

Key Highlights:

  1. Limitations of Traditional Cough Counting:Traditional methods of measuring coughs fail to capture the true experience of individuals suffering from chronic cough
  2. Definition of Bouts:A bout, commonly defined as a series of two or more coughs without a pause of 2 seconds, has been shown to be arbitrary and insufficient in describing cough severity. More nuanced definitions, taking into account the length of pauses between coughs and the minimum number of coughs, are necessary to capture the lived experience of chronic cough sufferers.
  3. Case Studies: The paper presents two chronic coughers with different patterns of coughing that illustrate that a simple cough count does not reflect the impact on the individual’s well-being.
  4. Effect of Varying Bout Definitions:The study explored varying the length of pauses between coughs and the minimum number of coughs per bout. Different parameters drastically alter the bout statistics, which further challenges the traditional approach of defining cough severity based on simple counts.
  5. Correlation with Quality of Life:The analysis suggests that bouts, when appropriately defined, can be better indicators of cough severity and its impact on patients. Researchers recommend that cough bouts should be defined in a way that aligns with patient experiences.